Senior Management

  • 11 positions in 3 companies
Last company where he held a position

TGB SA Apoderado solidario

Their latest appointment was registered in the Mercantile Register on 16 de July de 2019 as Apoderado solidario in the company TGB SA.

Their appointment as Consejero of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 2 de July de 2019.

Their activity as TGB SA in the company Consejero delegado ended in July de 2019.

They joined this company on 12 de May de 2014, where they hold the position of Consejero.

The start of their participation in this company in the post of 12 de May de 2014 was published in the BORME on Consejero delegado.

They currently hold the post of Consejero in the company TGB SA.

Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes left the position of Consejero in January de 2000.

They ended their position as Consejero delegado of this company on 11 de January de 2000.

With registered office in Barcelona, it undertakes its business in the se amplia en: ?la fabricacion, comercializacion al mayor y a detall y distribucion de toda clase de productos y articulos relacionados con el sector de artesgraficas franqueo y curso por correo de impresos publicit... sector.

  • Activity
  • employees
    35 employees
  • turnover
    3.31 million € turnover
  • Address
    Located in BARCELONA
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They also participate in this company

ISBEDA SA Consejero

Their appointment as Consejero of this company was published in the BORME on 4 de July de 2019.

Their appointment as Consejero delegado solidario of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 4 de July de 2019.

They have participated in this company since July de 2019 in the position of Secretario.

They participated as Consejero delegado of this company but ended their activity on July de 2019.

The start of their participation in this company in the post of 30 de April de 2014 was published in the BORME on Consejero.

They currently hold the post of Consejero delegado in the company ISBEDA SA.

On 2 de June de 2009, Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes was appointed and published in the BORME as Consejero.

On 2 de June de 2009, Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes was named and registered in the Companies Registry as Consejero delegado.

Their termination as Consejero was published in the BORME on 11 de January de 2000.

This company undertakes its business in the rental of own propert...... sector in Barcelona.

  • Activity
    Real estate activities


Their appointment as Consejero of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 2 de July de 2019.

They have participated in this company since July de 2019 in the position of Consejero delegado solidario.

They joined this company on 2 de July de 2019, where they hold the position of Vicepresidente.

The start of their participation in this company in the post of 30 de April de 2014 was published in the BORME on Consejero.

They currently hold the post of Consejero delegado in the company TGB SERVICIOS SA.

On 30 de April de 2014, Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes was appointed and published in the BORME as Vicepresidente.

On 1 de June de 2009, Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes was named and registered in the Companies Registry as Consejero.

On TGB SERVICIOS SA they began as Consejero delegado in June de 2009.

Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes is currently the Vicepresidente at this company.

On 11 de January de 2000, the employment of Bartroli Bertran Maria Mercedes was terminated with the company TGB SERVICIOS SA, where they participated as Consejero.

They ended their participation as Consejero delegado of this company in January de 2000.

Their termination as 11 de January de 2000 of this company was published in the BORME on Vicepresidente.

This company undertakes its business in the la fabricacion, comercializal mayor y detall y distribucion de toda clase de productos y artsrelacionados con el sector de artes graficasfranqueo ycurso por correo de impresos publicitarios por orden de los clientes, etc... sector in Barcelona.

  • Activity
    Wholesale and retail trade; except repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

More information about BARTROLI BERTRAN MARIA MERCEDES is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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Senior management related to BARTROLI BERTRAN MARIA MERCEDES