Senior Management

  • 4 positions in 1 companies
Company in which they participate


Their most recent appointment is on 14 de March de 2001, in RUBEN RODRIGUEZ SA, where they hold the position of Consejero.

On 14 de March de 2001 their appointment as Vicepresidente of this company was included in the Companies Register.

Their activity as RUBEN RODRIGUEZ SA in the company Consejero delegado solidario ended in March de 2001.

On April de 1999 they were appointed as Consejero of this company.

Their appointment as Vicepresidente of this company was published on 30 de April de 1999.

They left their position of Consejero of this company in April de 1999.

Beltra Pla Reinelda left the position of Consejero delegado in April de 1999.

They ended their position as Vicepresidente of this company on 30 de April de 1999.

This company has its registered office in Las Palmas and works in the todo lo relacionado con el comercio de importación y exportación y, especialmente, transitario de aduanas, así como la construcción, urbanización, promoción, y arrendamiento de todo tio de bienes inmuebles rústicos y urbanos... sector.

  • Activity
    Transportation and storage
  • Address
    Located in LAS PALMAS
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More information about BELTRA PLA REINELDA is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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