Senior Management

  • 5 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position

LARRAYA DE INVERSIONES NAVARRA SL Consejero delegado solidario

Their most recent modification in the Companies Register with respect to the positions they hold is on May de 2021, when their employment as Consejero delegado solidario of LARRAYA DE INVERSIONES NAVARRA SL was terminated.

On 26 de February de 2013, Fernandez Barrionuevo Nuria Carlota was appointed and published in the BORME as Consejero.

On 26 de February de 2013, Fernandez Barrionuevo Nuria Carlota was named and registered in the Companies Registry as Presidente.

Their activity as LARRAYA DE INVERSIONES NAVARRA SL in the company Administrador solidario ended in February de 2013.

With registered office in Madrid, it undertakes its business in the la sociedad tiene por objeto el asesoramiento y la gestión financiera, abarcando desde la consultoría sobre inversiones, tanto en españa como en el extranjero, a la canalización y materialización de las mismas, realizando para ello todas las gestiones necesarias ante las autoridades, entidades, intermediarios financieros y fedatarios que deban intervenir, incluyendo el con... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities
  • Address
    Located in MADRID
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They ended their participation as Consejero of this company in November de 2008.

This company undertook its business in the constituye el objeto social: el asesoramiento y la gestión financiera, abarcando desde la consultoría sobre inversiones, tanto en españa como en el extranjero, a la canalización y materialización de las mismas, realizando para ello todas las gestiones necesarias ante las autoridades, entidades, intermediarios financieros y fedatarios que deban intervenir, incluyendo el con... sector in Navarra.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities

More information about FERNANDEZ BARRIONUEVO NURIA CARLOTA is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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