Senior Management

  • 124 positions in 83 companies
Last company where he held a position


The most recent position to which this executive has been appointed is in the company ALLES GUTE INVERSIONES SL. They were appointed Liquidador único on 8 de January de 2019.

Their termination as 8 de January de 2019 of this company was published in the BORME on Administrador solidario.

Their termination as 8 de January de 2019 of this company was recorded in the Companies Register on Liquidador único.

They work in Valencia in the la adquisición y venta de títulos valores de renta fija y/o variable de cualquier clase estén o no admitidos a negociación en bolsas de valores oficialmente autorizadas, excluyéndose expresamente aquellas actividades reservadas a instituciones de valores de inversión colectiva, y todas aquellas otra... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities
  • Address
    Located in VALENCIA
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Other companies in which they hold a position


ELIMDEBA SL Administrador único

The began their activity as Administrador único in this company on 5 de February de 2018.

Their appointment as Socio único of this company was published in the BORME on 5 de February de 2018.

Their appointment as Apoderado of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 28 de April de 2015.

Their activity as ELIMDEBA SL in the company Administrador solidario ended in July de 2011.

This company undertakes its business in the el asesoramiento, elaboración de estudios, informes y dictámenes de contenido económico, contable, financiero y tributario, así como todo tipo de trabajos en elámbito del asesoramiento financiero y contable... sector in Valencia.

  • Activity
    Professional, scientific and technical activities

BANCA MARCH SA Apoderado mancomunado solidario

Their termination as 11 de February de 2019 of this company was published in the BORME on Apoderado mancomunado solidario.

Their appointment as Apoderado mancomunado solidario of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 7 de March de 2014.

With registered office in Illes Balears, it undertakes its business in the other monetary intermediation... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities

ATALAYA CUESTA SL Apoderado mancomunado

Their participation in this company began on 2 de December de 2009 and they currently hold several positions: Apoderado mancomunado, Apoderado mancomunado solidario.

They work in Madrid in the creacion, diseño, produccion, desarrollo y gestion de programas informaticos, software, bases de datos, instalaciones para el proceso de datos, aplicaciones en red de internetetc... sector.

  • Activity
    Information and communication

More information about GANDIA BALAGUER JOSE LUIS is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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