Senior Management

  • 9 positions in 5 companies
Last company where he held a position

LA PEREDA CO2 AIE Consejero delegado

Their most recent modification in the Companies Register with respect to the positions they hold is on January de 2010, when their employment as Consejero delegado, Consejero delegado mancomunado, Consejero of LA PEREDA CO2 AIE was terminated.

This company has its headquarters in Asturias and undertakes its business in the el desarrollo conjunto e integrado de las tecnologias de carbonatacion-calcinacion para la captura de co2 de los gases de combustion de plantas de carbon mediante el mantenimiento de la investigacion en este campo, y la construccion y operacion de una planta piloto a escala de 1mwt y el posterior... sector.

  • Activity
    Professional, scientific and technical activities
  • Address
    Located in ASTURIAS
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Other companies in which they hold a position


ASTURBILDUNG SL Apoderado mancomunado

Their participation in this company began on 15 de March de 2004 and they currently hold several positions: Apoderado mancomunado, Apoderado mancomunado, Consejero.

This company has its headquarters in Asturias and undertakes its business in the intermediacion y asesoramiento a empresas y particulares en materia de seleccionde personal y contratacion laboral servicios de traduccion e interpretacion/la formacion profesional basica y continua a todos los niveles, el reciclaje prfesional, los cursos formativos y de postgrado, el asesoramiento de empresas respecto a la formacion profesional continua, enseñanzas de tecnicass de direccion para la mejora de organizacion empresarial u actividades cone... sector.

HULLERAS DEL NORTE SA SME Apoderado mancomunado

Their appointment as Apoderado mancomunado of this company was published in the BORME on 29 de January de 2007.

Their appointment as Apoderado solidario of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 29 de January de 2007.

They have participated in this company since June de 2004 in the position of Apoderado mancomunado.

They joined this company on 28 de June de 2004, where they hold the position of Apoderado solidario.

The start of their participation in this company in the post of 23 de January de 2003 was published in the BORME on Apoderado mancomunado.

They currently hold the post of Apoderado mancomunado in the company HULLERAS DEL NORTE SA SME.

Gonzalez Garcia Adolfo German left the position of Apoderado solidario in July de 2001.

On 6 de June de 2001, Gonzalez Garcia Adolfo German was named and registered in the Companies Registry as Apoderado mancomunado.

On HULLERAS DEL NORTE SA SME they began as Apoderado mancomunado in January de 2001.

This company has its registered office in Asturias and works in the la sociedad tiene por objeto la explotación de minas de carbón y la exploración, investigación y explotación de los restantes recursos mineros regulados en la ley de minas, así como la reindustrialización, mediante las oportunas políticas de diversificación empresarial, de las comarcas de la cuenta... sector.

  • Activity
    Mining and quarrying


They ended their participation as Consejero of this company in September de 2012.

This Asturias-based company operates in fabricacion, colocacion, venta de los mas diversos y amplios sistemas y componentes precisos para la generacion y utilizacion de energias renovablesy, sin que ello sea limitativo, la fabricacion, colocacion y venta de paneles solars termicos o fotovoltaicos y los elementos prefabricados que sean pr... sector.

  • Activity

More information about GONZALEZ GARCIA ADOLFO GERMAN is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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