Senior Management

  • 7 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position


The most recent modification in the Companies Register with respect to the positions they hold relates to February de 2015, when their employment as Consejero of SERVICIOS PORTUARIOS CANARIOS SL was terminated.

Their termination as Vicepresidente was published in the BORME on 20 de February de 2015.

The Companies Registry recorded their termination as Vicepresidente on 18 de February de 2015.

On 18 de February de 2015, the employment of Hernandez Robayna Manuel was terminated with the company SERVICIOS PORTUARIOS CANARIOS SL, where they participated as Consejero.

They currently hold the post of Consejero delegado mancomunado in the company SERVICIOS PORTUARIOS CANARIOS SL.

On 27 de February de 2012, Hernandez Robayna Manuel was appointed and published in the BORME as Consejero delegado mancomunado.

On 14 de June de 2011, Hernandez Robayna Manuel was named and registered in the Companies Registry as Consejero delegado mancomunado.

Their activity as SERVICIOS PORTUARIOS CANARIOS SL in the company Consejero delegado mancomunado ended in June de 2011.

They participated as Consejero delegado mancomunado of this company but ended their activity on June de 2007.

On June de 2007 they ended their participation as Secretario in this company.

This company has its headquarters in Las Palmas and undertakes its business in the otros servicios personales, especialmente, la prestación, explotación y ejecución de los servicios de amarraje y desamarre a flote y en tierra de todo tipo de buques y naves la realización de todo tipo de servicios portuarios tanto, a la autoridad portuaria, como a consignatarias/la prestación, explotación y ejecución de los servicios de amarraje y desamarre a flote y en tierra, a todo tipo de buques y naves la realización detodo tipo de servicios portuarios tanto, a la autoridad portuaria, como a consignatarias o a cualquier otra entidad o empresa pública o privada/la prestación, explotación y ejecución de los servicios de amarraje y desamarre a flote y en tierra, a todo tipo de buques y naves compraventa de buques y embarcaciones, venta de combustibles a flote, remolque interiores... sector.

  • Activity
    Transportation and storage
  • Address
    Located in LAS PALMAS
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They participated in several positions in this company until 17 de February de 2015: Administrador solidario, Consejero, Consejero delegado mancomunado.

This company has its headquarters in Las Palmas and undertakes its business in the prestación, explotación y ejecución de los servicios de amarraje y desamarre a flote y en tierra, a todo tipo de buques y naves, así como la prestación de todo tipo de actividades relacionadas con puertos y muelles... sector.

  • Activity
    Administrative and support service activities

More information about HERNANDEZ ROBAYNA MANUEL is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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