Senior Management

  • 2 positions in 1 companies
Company in which they participate


Their most recent position registered in the Mercantile Register was on Michael Rieger in the company Liquidador.

Their activity as SHOPIMORE ESPAÑA SL in the company Administrador solidario ended in November de 2019.

They participated as Liquidador of this company but ended their activity on November de 2019.

This company has its headquarters in Barcelona and undertakes its business in the la realizacion de actividades relaciondas con la comercializacion y o la venta a traves de internet o cualesquiera medios telematicos de toda clase de productos y servicios de licito comercio, etc... sector.

  • Address
    Located in BARCELONA
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More information about MICHAEL RIEGER is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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Senior management related to MICHAEL RIEGER