Senior Management

  • 6 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position

OCHININ SL Administrador solidario

Their most recent appointment is on 26 de March de 1998, in OCHININ SL, where they hold the position of Administrador solidario.

Their termination as 26 de March de 1998 of this company was recorded in the Companies Register on Consejero.

From 26 de March de 1998, Miralles Gandia Carlos has held the position of Consejero delegado.

On March de 1998 they were appointed as Desconocido of this company.

On March de 1998 they ended their participation as Presidente in this company.

They left their position of Consejero delegado of this company in March de 1998.

This company has its registered office in Valencia and works in the manufacture of bakery and farinaceous products... sector.

  • Activity
  • Address
    Located in VALENCIA
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RUBEUS INMUEBLES SL Apoderado solidario

Their termination as 24 de May de 2006 of this company was published in the BORME on Apoderado solidario.

Tenía su domicilio social en Valencia, y trabajaba en el sector de la compraventa de toda clase de fincas rústicas y urbanas, la promoción y construcción sobre las mismas de toda clase de edificaciones, su rehabilitación, ventao arrendamiento no financiero y la construcción de toda clase de obras públicasy privadas....

  • Activity

More information about MIRALLES GANDIA CARLOS is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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