Senior Management

  • 9 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position


Their most recent appointment is on 15 de April de 2024, in QGMI CONSTRUCCIONES E INFRAESTRUCTURAS GLOBALES SL, where they hold the position of Desconocido.

Their appointment as Desconocido of this company was registered in the Companies Register on 4 de March de 2024.

Their activity as QGMI CONSTRUCCIONES E INFRAESTRUCTURAS GLOBALES SL in the company Desconocido ended in March de 2024.

They participated as Apoderado of this company but ended their activity on September de 2023.

The start of their participation in this company in the post of 6 de March de 2023 was published in the BORME on Desconocido.

They currently hold the post of Apoderado in the company QGMI CONSTRUCCIONES E INFRAESTRUCTURAS GLOBALES SL.

Dantas Guerra Gustavo left the position of Apoderado mancomunado in January de 2022.

On 4 de January de 2022, Dantas Guerra Gustavo was named and registered in the Companies Registry as Apoderado.

Their termination as Apoderado mancomunado solidario was published in the BORME on 4 de January de 2022.

Dantas Guerra Gustavo is currently the Apoderado at this company.

On 4 de November de 2021, the employment of Dantas Guerra Gustavo was terminated with the company QGMI CONSTRUCCIONES E INFRAESTRUCTURAS GLOBALES SL, where they participated as Apoderado.

On 6 de May de 2021 their appointment as Apoderado mancomunado was published.

On 31 de December de 2020 their appointment as Consejero of this company was published in the BORME.

On 31 de December de 2020 their appointment as Presidente of this company was included in the Companies Register.

This company has its registered office in Madrid and works in the actividades de las sociedades holding, actividades de apoyo a la extracción de petróleo y gas natural, transporte de energía eléctrica, distribución de energía eléctrica, comercio de energía eléctrica, comercio de gas por tubería, captación, depuración y distribución de agua, construcción de carrete... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities
  • Address
    Located in MADRID
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On 30 de March de 2022, Dantas Guerra Gustavo was appointed and registered in the Companies Registry in several positions: Desconocido, Consejero, Presidente.

This company has its headquarters in Madrid and undertakes its business in the la sociedad tiene como objeto social el desarrollo de las siguientes actividades: i la adquisición y venta de títulos valores de renta fija y/o variable de cualquier clase, estén o no aceptados a cotización en las bolsas de comercio oficialmente autorizadas, así como la adquisición y venta de par... sector.

  • Activity
    Financial and insurance activities

More information about DANTAS GUERRA GUSTAVO is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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